Mon 27 Jan
(¯`'•.¸ WaRMdelicious 💋 SLipPeRYshaved ¸.•'´¯) CoMe oPeN up tHiS GiFt💋 - 20
WARNING.... .(((((HOT GIRL ALERT))))) - SeXy LaTiNa TrEaT oNe YoU cAnT MiSs - 19
💞You should be 😧ashamed😧 if you choose anything less👅 than the 🍇BEST🍇✨Përfëct Trëät✨😏 Swèēţ - 20
(Bronx, E184th 3rd)
💕 Nice 💞 Lips👅👄 And TIGHT GRIPS💋💦🍒 CREAMY FREAK🍭🍬🍑READY 4 Slippery💦💦FUN🌟🎀 - 28 - 28
(Brooks rd, Memphis)
•★•° TH1NK U CAN HANDL3 FreAK!♥Ju¡c ¥ BoOt¥ ⇦☆★⌒K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗSK¡LLz - 19
(Bronx, incalls only southern blvd)
🌺💖💙💟💝💗 ══New Busty Asian ══💙🌺💙══ 💙💖🌺💟💙══ 100% Young & Hot══ 💖💙💟🌺 ══ 281-940-9388 - 22
(9296 Westheimer Rd, Houston TX 77063, City of Houston, Houston)
##### NEW! ~~~~ Call Me 713-429-5451 ~~~~ Outcall Only Sexy Asian Girl Daisy #####//// - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Missouri City, Outcall Only, Pasadena)
:•.♥ • :☏ Gorgeous Italian & Guatemalan ★ B O M B S H E L L ★ :•.♥ • :☏ 80 Specials.... - 24
(Orange County, O.C Anaheim Disneyland)
New 1-0-0 % -R E A L - Pictures 1-0-0 % - Satisfaction _ Amazing Duo - 25
(Houston, 10East Houston Baytown All Over!:))
NEW___ Japan & Korea come Now__ Dream___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Asian___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Girl___COME _TRY, - 23
(Houston, 8824 Stella Link Rd /s610/59/45/Bellaire)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In the city)
★ Mi$$. FrEaK oF ThE wEeK ★ ThE PeRfEcT PlAyMaTe ★ LaTe NigHt SpeCiaLz! - 21
Sassie :-) ExQuiszitE ;-p NasTii ®😜 Exotiicc DominiCana && CuBana GorGeous GODE$$💋 SUNdAi ReLAxATion - 23
_______ ❥❥❥[ _Meet new Staffs ❥ 24hrs/7day_] ❥❥❥ ______713-339-3303 - 22
(City of Houston, Hillcroft/Westheimer/Galleria/59, Houston)
¤º° ¨¨°º¤ ø¸ø ¤º°¨ ¨°º¤ **SP!NNER** is HeRe 2 MeeT UR NeeDS! ¤º° ¨¨°º¤ ø¸ø ¤º°¨ ¨°º¤ - 20
luna clara new pictures your brazilian vocation is available all weekend and the rest of the week 2 - 25
(Hwy290 and Hollister)
*Specials*OUT OR IN Call or Text Star 3472196298 im 51 yrs old 125lbs 5"3 a mature older women - 51
(Bronx, Out & In to the Bronx,Yonkers&Manhattan;)
Lots of love&affection;💏new pics! Boy toys👅 - 34
(45&1960, Spring, The Woodlands, Conroe,, Houston, The Woodlands)
Puerto Rican BeauTy (INcalls ONLY!!!) TEXTS only! 929-248-7218 specials all night!!!!. - 21
(Bronx, Bronx / Manhattan)
♥ (¯`•100% SEXY •´¯) You Will LoVE Me ♥ - 23
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Outcalls to ur location Hotel or Home)
* KANDI * 832*272*6975 * * * MIAMI * * MAMI * * *NAUGHTY COLLEGE HOTTIE * *100 Rose Special - 20
(45 South/Airport)
ready 2 make u ©um and enjoy $ome fre@ky fun $pecials 3479964746 in and outcall$ bronx ask 4mizz bbw - 29
(Bronx, bronx incalls & outcalls baychester233)
((( KINKY Brunette TREAT ))) (((( AMY ))) TEMPTING -N- TASTY ((( 80 Special ))) 100%REAL PICS!!! - 26
(1960 exit and 45 north)
★ [[ K=i=N=K=Y= ]] ★ [» Petite Beautiful Brunette «] ★ [[ Gorgeous Green Eyes and Thick Thighs]] - 22
(Houston, 249/grant incall 2 girl specials)
Report Ad Pretty face juicy azz ☏ 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 19 - - 19
(Bronx, Jackson height rosevelt)
Busty Asianセクシー 巨乳💕💕💕💋💕💯REAL PIX ARRIVED10/15💕💕💕💋💕Japanese Luv FrencH kISSing💕💋 ❶1OO% 1ST TIME - 23
(Anaheim, I-5🎀26O-3OO-OIO2💚Orange Garden grove, Orange County)
**KaNdY KiSsEs~*mY dIrTy LiTtLe sEcReT*(tOp PiCk DON'T mIss oUt! - 21
(Houston, humble,spring,tomball,woodlands,1960)
(NEW) ★CUTE Slim Ebony★ DoNt PaSs ThIs Up _ DoWn FoR WaTeVeR _ TrUe eXOtiC FREAK! __UP LATE - 20
(Bronx, bx incalls 147 St Ann+ outcalls nyc)
{{ R U a EARLY MorNinG RiSeR ? WeLL mk ME the BEST ParT of WAKinG UP }} CrAZY SPECIALS UnTiL 2pm - 24
(Bronx, bx)
*•° ♥•°•:Jʉ!CY 💋'z • §€Xy H¡P§ • AmaZing A§§:•.♥•* TH!CK TH!GHS •★• - 20
(Houston, 59 Stafford incalls)
PuNk Princess has wild side that will RoCk you world! Incall Now, - 28
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, manhattam., Manhattan, Midtown West, Staten Island, West Side)
rosa new latina -- text me wow new ready --140hour-- sexyyyyy lady - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw whiteplains rd 2&5)
⭐️ SUPER ⭐️ ClEaN ☀️ AlWaYs‼️‼️ ReaDY 🅱️Om🅱️💲hEll ⭐️⭐️ - 22
(East Bay, Hayward, Hayward,Fremont,Dublin Pleasant)
👌JuIcY👌 , FuNsIZe 👉tIgHt👈, & 👍JuSt RiGhT👍✅✅⭐⭐ Thickk READY 24/7 ⭐⭐↗💋💋 Come Taste Delicious 👅🍰 - 20
(Houston, 45n little York gulf bank Tidwell)
** JAWDRoPPING -:¦:- So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 24
(galleria / outcall)
Porn Star★Terra! Kinky, Freaky & Nasty Dominican Mami!! Juicy Sexy Thick thighs Soft juicy booty! - 25
(Harlem/Washington Heights (Your Place), Manhattan, Upper Manhattan)
💋please come now I'm pulsating for you ❤️some one lite an sweet❤️ please be ready to go cause I am - 21
(Bronx, Bronx incalls till 6:00 am)
*KANDI* 832 - 605 - 7892 - ? stress relief? fetishes & fantasies? - 19
(incalls only.... Richmond & beltway8)
_________ ________ ___________ JUMBO JUGGS & 3 WAYS 2 MAKE U SMILE __________ __________ _________ - 28
(Houston, ACCESS FRM 610 290 45 I-10 OR 59)
(( JACKPOT --- A MUST SEE !! )) -- TENDER -- EBONY -- TREAT -- SAFE -- FUN -- $80 Incall -- New Pics - 21
(45N GREENS RD / GREENSPOINT 1960 SPRING, City of Houston, Houston)
"$ $pecial - cLiCk HeRe °o{( 1-0-0 %GUA ® ANT D PLA SU ® E :) BBW - 24
Blonde Gotta Big BootyAll American Girl Next Door80 Specials - 21
(Orange County, Buena Park Incalls/ Outcalls)
morning special dominican cake cake cake incalls 929 230 2008 - 25
(Bronx, 220th st white plains rd)
***It's Beauty and pleasing you is my duty!!!!!***$50 specials $50***$50 specials*** - 22
(Houston, Southwest Houston)
⭐♡⭐ Party N Play⭐♡⭐P☆RN St☆R Skills⭐♡ ♥ SUPER kinky ♥→☆ ♥ SeX¥ freaky♥→☆ ♥ T!GHT BOOT¥ FR3AK ♥→☆ - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls Bronx Only)