Thu 02 Jan
t-shirt and sexy panties special!!!2 girls for 1 Very Addictive. - 23
(Lincoln, lincoln/omaha surrounding areas)
★ THE ★ ____ ★ B E A U T Y ★ ___ ★ O F ★ ___ ★ Y O U R ★ ______ ★ D R E A M S ★ _ - 23
(Lincoln, Lincoln & Surrounding Areas)
two 4 1 60$$$$$ $pecials 2super freaky hot babes 100full hour NEW 2 area! call now 718-427-4778 - 21
(Lincoln, incall / outcall 718-427-4778)
REaL PiX! ReAL GiRLS! @ !! *1 OR MoRE* SPECIALS!!* IN/OUT! *Call 402*202*1089 NoW!! - 19
(Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, York, Grand Island, NE)
start your weekend with this sexy beauty - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, In your arms ;))
¨*•★ ¨*•- :☆:-•* ToP •-: ☆ :-•* ¨PLeaSER¨ *•-: ☆ :-•* ¨¨*•★ No TEaseR: ☆ :-•* ¨¨*•★ - 20
(Lincoln, Lincoln Outs & surrounding)
Ready to play golf? I have a amazing 3 whole golf course for you to play on!! - 48
(Lincoln, LINCOLN incall only)
WEDNESDAY!!!! 'Get your BREE FIX!!! Beautiful BUSTY curvy blonde!! Hosting 10am to 6pm! - 26
(Lincoln, Lincoln airport exit)
The Queen has arrived 👑 Satisfaction guaranteed👄🔝 of the line 💋💄👑👛👠👗 don't miss out - 22
(I'm or outcalls, Lincoln)
@@NaTuRaL blonde @@PeTiTe @@ToNed @@PlaYmATe. 100%ReAl ReCeNt UnEdiTEd Pics or your session is FREE! - 29
Stacy incall available only here for one night leaving in the morning - 22
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!! - 19
(Grand Island, In town, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
💯% ReAL ReCEnT PIcS or ItS FREE!!!💋💋ToP ChOiCE 💋💋Lil PeTiTE 💋💋NaTUrAL blOnDe PlAYmATe. - 29
(Lincoln, Omaha/Lincoln)
up all nite SPECIALs* *softest touch &sweetest; smile! =) sensual & playful // 80hh -- 120fh // - 22
(Lincoln, Lincoln / incall & outcalls)
★ Sexy, Cool, Fun, And Adventurous!! ★ NEW Trinidadian H★TTie!! ★ Call Me!! Let's Play! - 21
(Lincoln, Incalls & Outcalls!!!)
〓〓〓【 ★ SpECiaLS ★】〓〓〓【 OuTCaLL 】〓〓〓【★ SpECiaLS ★】〓〓〓 V!S!T!NG - 29
Toe Curling Blue Eyed Blonde!!! Dont Miss Out!!! VISITING FOR A SHORT TIME!!! - 23
I want to be your girl tonight - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, anywhere you want me!)
AMAZ!NG FRIDAY SPECIALS & NO UPSALE EVER ☆ • • ===►★. • L✪✪K• .★ NO◄ FuRtHeR• • ☆ ~ TOT@L P@CK@G3 ~ - 28
*****Discreet, Sexy ready to Play today, private incall, 1pm til 8pm**** P*4.1*1, T*E*R, Reviewed - 45
★☆★ Can't Keep Your Mind Off Me ★ Call Now 24hr Services..We Can Make It Rain All Night ★☆★ - 24
( ★ ★ ) _B_ u _ S _ t _ Y _ (Ebony ) _ B _ l _ 0 _ n _ D_ e ( ★ ★ ) - huge CLIT - 23
(Lincoln, Lincoln incalls)
💋💋💋💛BLONDE👑👑 Petite & Naughty😏😏 😻Pretty Kitty😻💦💦 Avail NOW❗❗❗➡ 4025905327 ⬅ - 22
(Lincoln, OUTCALL♡♡➡️ 4025905327 ⬅️)
(( 15OHR NO T!PP!NG))— o.O❤O.o —A m a z i n g—and—M a g i c a l—Touch — o.O❤O.o —((HOT NEW PIX)) - 28
(Lincoln, Here tell monday available tell 9pm)
2 GIRL FANTASY ! You will be smiling from ear to ear after having some fun with Jessica N Ashley - 24
··♡♥》》EXOTiC Mulatto BEAUTy 《《 ♥♡·· AVAiLABLE all day & night! - 21
(Lincoln, Lincoln , Lincoln Surrounding Areas)